Sophie Labelle: Counterprotest staged following threats on talk

Dozens gathered outside Sheffield Central Library to support cartoonist Sophie Labelle, who was invited to speak about her books and transgender rights on Monday.

Approximately 40 people stood outside the library’s entrance for two hours, some of whom held a banner with the phrase “trans power” written on it, despite the freezing temperature.

The Canadian author left the building to take a photo with the group a few minutes before her talk began.

Victoria Hindle said she coordinated the protest after she saw online comments by people with gender-critical beliefs claiming to show up in disapproval.

The 38-year-old organiser said: “Anybody shouldn’t criticise others that they don’t know personally. They don’t know anything about a person and they’re just doing it out of bigotry.”

LGBTQ+ flags and banners supportive of the trans community could be seen outside the library throughout the night.

Two library staff were standing outside the main entrance to stop people entering the venue. A pair of police officers were seen patrolling the area and occasionally talked with the guards.

When appearing on LBC on February 22, Penistone and Stocksbridge MP Miriam Cates suggested adding age restriction on the event.

She believes the materials the trans artist published are inappropriate for children.

Ms Hindle responded: “You only find the picture sexual if you already think children drawn in the comics are sexy.

So do these people think the nappies are sexy, is that what they are saying? It’s like outing themselves.”

Vicky Laylor, 46, a trans woman, said: “The haters just come here to hate and are bigotry because they want to keep the status quo.

“It’s nothing new. The gay community in the 80s went through this and it’s just rehashed to aim at trans people.”

Loud clapping noise could be heard from the library several times during the event, which attracted a few people from a nearby pub to ask the demonstrators what was happening.

The event concluded peacefully and the protesters left the library by 9pm.

Ms Labelle later tweeted: “It was another wonderful event.

“A TERF came, by signing up under a fake name, but she was promptly recognised,” she added.

MP Miriam Cates and Sheffield City Council were reached out for comments.

Siu Ho Tung

Website Editor for Forge Press 2023/24 📷 Fujifilm X30

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